I know, its the trending phrase right now. It is also the most widely used phrase in self development articles and books everywhere. In fact, if you are transitioning into the self development world or not in it at all you are probably sick of hearing it -OR- annoyed every time you hear it.
Here's the thing though...... this phrase is one of the most powerful phrases that we can ever be acquainted with. If you are annoyed by someone's use of it then chances are you haven't personally experienced its power.
Caring what other people think of you and then allowing those thoughts to lead your ambitions, desires, and dreams is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. I used to laugh when I heard the words, "what someone thinks about me is none of my business". However, I didn't know then what I know now.
Do you know how liberating it is to finally be free of what any other person on this planet thinks about what I am doing, saying, or being??? My goodness, I've never felt so free in my entire life. I let go of what my enemies, acquaintances, significant other, mother, family, pastor, church folks, mail man, neighbors, social media, and even the dog think about me!!!
I get it. You don't hear me fully yet! You think that there is still a reason to care. There's just one person that you need to feel validated by....... Honey, NO YOU DON'T!!! Validate yourself and keep it moving. There is no reason in hell that ANYONE should be telling you what to do, how to do it, or when! DO YOU HEAR ME???
Who holds the key to your future? Who has the vision for your life planted within them? Who is keeping your dreams alive? Who knows your intimate most parts and secrets? OKAY..... you get it!!! None of the people on the list above know anything about any of that. Furthermore, they cannot help you achieve any of it! Only when you STOP listening to all the noise will you find the spark to ignite the fire you need to GET IT DONE!
I wish I would not have spent the first 30 years of my life allowing other people to control my happiness. I also wish I hadn't put so much stake in pleasing others that never truly had my best interest at heart. That means I spent 30 years of my life asleep to my own desires. I spent nearly one-third of my life looking for someone else to tell me they were proud of me instead of looking at myself in the mirror and congratulating myself on a job well done.
Sad..... but it was what I needed to learn. It was not until I let all of that go and started to really LIVE my life that I was able to see my own truth. I began to feel alive and I finally found my own voice. I do not regret spending time in this place. I am often asked that question and I always respond with this, "without this fundamental lesson I would not be who I am today, nor would I be able to teach anyone else".
So...... it is a pressing truth: Who Cares What "They" Think. It is not cliche, trendy, or ridiculous. It is the key to unlock the door you keep banging on.