I know you've seen it about 57,000 times in your news feed and on your IG with dainty little pictures and huge smiles. The general perception is these people are a little too peppy and they aren't going to succeed. It's "normal" to us to immediately judge them and expect them to fail.
Wait, what? It's normal for us to be judgmental and cast failure upon our peers without a second thought? YES! Unfortunately, this is how many of us think and its because of conditioning and programming that we've received from years of self-hatred and low self-esteem. We’ve become jaded and see only the negative. Those folks that start the year with optimism irritate us because of their willingness to TRY!
You see, the silly little new years resolution is not the problem. The issue is our attitude towards others because of the things we see in ourselves that we cannot accomplish. The failure we wish upon our fellow optimist is because of the reflection that they cast back at us. We see ourselves and all the dreams that we wish we could have and do not know how to get.
This is something I dealt with for so many years. I would get an attitude and immediately become defensive when my friends and family were so excited for the upcoming new year. I would spew my negative rhetoric and roll my eyes. However, what I so desperately wanted was to be just like them. I didn’t want their goals, but I wanted to see myself advancing through my life with ease and prosperity.
I spent year after year telling myself all the reasons I could not have what I deserve or what I wanted. I spent countless hours talking myself out of moving forward on the path that was created for me. I gave every excuse in the book to remain stagnant and unhappy.
In the spirit of positivity and this new year I challenge you to take a long hard look at why that “New Year, New Me’ saying frustrates you so much. If you go into talking shit about someone immediately following the status you just read, its not them, its you! (I’m sorry honey—the truth is a hard pill to swallow sometimes.) In addition to this challenge I ask you to visualize your life with a positive outlook instead of a negative one. Begin to see yourself overcoming fear, smashing your goals, and adopting positive behaviors. 2018 truly is a turning point for many of us and I want to see all of you on the “party boat”. Stop that pouting and lets rock this! See you on the other side!