I woke up this morning feeling stuck. I felt like no matter what I did I wasn't going to be able to accomplish what I had set out to do. The "to-do list" was small actually. To some, it would seem mediocre. However, I was unable to even get up at the desired time.
All I wanted was to spend more time reading, workout for at least 30 minutes, and get in a motivational video and affirmations first thing in the morning. That's simple right? Well..... I'm six months pregnant. I know, I know, this should NOT be an excuse. In fact, it should push me harder.
The truth is, I fell for the bait. I started to believe all the hype that comes with the pregnancy announcement. Not only did I fall for the "bait", but my pregnancy started out rocky and I started to believe that I was not going to be able to grow as a person. I started to feel stuck and like my life was going to have to be put on hold AGAIN.
I love my children. I love my family. However, I am still an entrepreneur at heart. You can take me out of the office, but you can't take the drive out of me. I've noticed that when I feel stuck it is actually the crossroads of my life calling to me.
I have begun to look at this phenomenon each time it occurs as a place of growth. Although, I sometimes feel like I can't move forward I have started to realize and understand that this is always a chance for me to move to the next level, no matter how uncomfortable it feels.
Les Brown once said, "no matter how bad it is or how bad it gets, I'm going to make it--- Now repeat it to yourself EVERYDAY"! I have placed this quote on the wall in my office so that I can see it everyday and begin to live it. In my opinion, there is nothing worse than having all the potential in the world and NEVER using it!
As my second pregnancy has shaped me and changed who I am once again I pray each day I can be the woman I need to be for my children and my family. I hope for a clear mind and strength to dedicate myself to not only to my family, but my life's work. Without being fulfilled in my own life I am nothing to those that love me.
Pushing past your own self doubt is sometimes a large and daunting task. Right now, as I write this I'm trying to concentrate through YouTube kids videos blaring in the background, basketballs whizzing by my head, and a three year old that hasn't quite grasped that he doesn't have to yell to talk to you.
I always thought that work-life balance was just for people who worked in corporate America. On the other hand, I have found that it is for all of us. We must all find those few things that make us happy and fulfilled and DO THEM!
For me to push past my doubt and believe that I can get up before the sun, workout with a watermelon attached to my front side, and actively contribute to my self development, one thing MUST line up. I must want those things more than I talk about them. I can't talk. I MUST DO!
If you are feeling like I was and can't seem to get "un-stuck" just remember..... ACTION ALWAYS TRUMPS TALENT.