You're friend on social media has recently started with a company that seems "too good to be true". You roll your eyes a few times. You press the "snooze" button for 30 days. Then, finally after the break, you choose to attend an online event he or she is hosting.
You check everything out. It seems legit and decide that you may have judged a book by its cover. Your friend continues to contact you and check on you after you have ordered product (whether that be jewelry, supplements, clothes, skin care, makeup, etc.). You're digging the company culture and now you're starting to have hope in this new found opportunity.
Then, one day, it happens...... You're dealing with a life crisis! Your friend messages you about a special that you just NEED to jump on RIGHT THIS MINUTE, but you read the message in stand-still, rushhour traffic. Then, once you get home with the kids (who are going crazy) and get dinner started you have completely forgotten about you friend's message.
It sits on read. Your friend gets impatient. They think you are ignoring them. They think you are flaking on them. Then..... YOU SEE IT!!! The dreaded, vague, Facebook status that you know is about you. "If you are going to waste my time then my business isn't for you. I only deal with serious people over here". Or, something around those lines.
Now, you're completely turned off, never want to order another thing, and think that ALL network marketers are BAD! Here's the thing, at the end of the day your "friend" is a business owner and he or she decided to behave unprofessionally. One thing I can PROMISE you is, we are NOT all like that!
Just like any other business in the world when you have customers you have to build relationships. You cannot go after every single person you know by attaching a dollar sign to them. This is when you as a business owner get scared and start treating people with a ton of disrespect.
Nothing is more disheartening than seeing someone who has just started out in Network Marketing make this mistake. It is even worse when I see it from people who have created a successful business. You know why? Because YOU JUST KILLED YOUR BUSINESS WITH YOUR WARM AND POSSIBLY COLD MARKET!!!
The key to setting yourself apart in this industry is that you must lead with conviction and be professional. You cannot take this journey on as someone who's only looking to get rich or make a sale. You WILL NEVER MAKE IT! You may grow quickly, because you are hungry, but if you continue down this path you will soon watch your down-line fall apart!
I offer this simple advice today, because on my team we want to see everyone succeed that is going after their dreams. It doesn't matter if we are with the same company or not. However, this is a main component that I teach my team! Next time you're frustrated talk to your sponsor or business coach. Do not take to social media to air the dirty laundry.
I'm hoping this week's blog (although a different topic than usual) helps you both as a business owner and within your own self development.
-- Liv